报告嘉宾: Lee A. Newsom 博士
报告题目:Recent Research with Archaeological Wood: Identification and Analysis of Very Small or Particulate Material and Taxa with Anomalous Anatomical Structure
I describe three examples of my recent research involving very small or fine-particulate specimens of archaeological wood, in which I availed novel techniques to discern wood presence and conduct taxonomic assignments. The examples include waterlogged material isolated from a sediment core retrieved from an extinct volcano in the Pribilof Islands; sedimentary charcoal from an ancient (Viking) inhabited cave in Iceland; and charcoal particles that served as constituents of the clay pastes in the manufacture of Native American ceramics. I also describe my current research on a large assemblage of carbonized wood assigned to the mangrove species Avicennia germinans (Acanthaceae) from a series of archaeological sites in Florida. This tropical wood was the primary fuelwood utilized by the inhabitants of the sites spanning several millennia and is characterized by anomalous anatomical structure (successive cambia), thus atypical growth increments. My analyses of the charcoal assemblage emphasize original wood caliber and age at harvest, growth increment composition, functional anatomy, and evidence for deadwood versus live wood collection. The details evince time-transgressive forest management practices by Native Americans, hypothetically involving coppicing and woodlot rotations, which resulted in the long-term sustainability of fuelwood resources.