


摘要:In Italy there is a long tradition in the construction of the wooden doors with handicraft processes. The doors in Italy have been characterized in the different historical periods and they have had an evolution, in design terms, coherently with the architectonic tendencies. From the roman period to today it is possible to read, in the doors, the evolution of the architectural thought.

In these last 15 years the situation has had sudden change. Other factors more then the aesthetic factors have influenced the shape and the constructive solutions of the wooden doors.

Today the productive references are changed and the global market is characterized from: wide range of producers, higher demand for custom products (in term of design and finishing), higher demand for “GREEN” products.

The orientation of the answer of many Italian producers, with the help of the designers, of the research institutes, of the Universities is: improving the quality, creating standardized products with easy customization making quality products so the Italian product increases the value of the building, activating new productive processes to increase the constructive flexibility of the product, investing in a “green production”.

In this frame the Laboratory of Building Design of the University of Trento is working on: innovation in design, design for all, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

  Antonio Frattari教授,1975年毕业于意大利罗马第一大学(University of Roma “la Sapienza”)建筑系并留校任教。1986年他来到意大利特伦托大学,担任建筑与土木工程学院教授至今。Antonio Frattari教授还担任特伦托大学建筑设计实验室主任、CUnEdI(智能建筑中心)主任。Antonio Frattari教授是(ICOMOS)国际古迹遗址理事会和国际房屋科学协会(IAHS)的成员。在过去的15年中,他在多学科领域中开展研究,并主要致力于可持续和低能耗建筑的研究,目前他的主要研究方向是木结构建筑的技术创新、低耗能且通用设计的楼宇自动化和木建筑的翻新。
